Alexandra Ward is a Cincinnati-based astrologer specializing in traditional and Hellenistic astrology. A student of Kelly Surtees, Austin Coppock, and Chris Brennan, she is excited to share the revival of traditional astrological techniques with clients and students. Alexandra is inspired by astrology’s power to unlock insight and opportunity through precise interpretation of the planets, signs of the Zodiac and the houses they contain, and the use of timing techniques. Her writing appears in the 2021 issue of Wellbeing, an Australian astrology and wellness publication. Alexandra is available for in-person or video consultations.

Hellenistic astrology (sometimes known as traditional astrology) uses the techniques developed around the Mediterranean circa the second century B.C.E. These techniques are rooted in millennia of observation of the heavenly bodies, providing the foundation for subsequent astrological traditions across the Middle East, Africa, India, and Europe from the Middle Ages to today. The picture of the skies at the time of your birth, otherwise known as the natal chart, provides a snapshot of the symbolic energy working in your life. To unlock the meaning of your chart and channel the energy contained within, schedule a reading with Alexandra Ward today.